
Technical consultant & Senior interactive developer by trade, emerging media & social media developer through experimentation... I'm proficient in JavaScript (jQuery, Backbone, Bootstrap, Greensock & Createjs), Flash (AS3, AS2, AIR), HTML5, CSS (+CSS3 & SASS), as well as PHP & mySQL.

Here you'll find a select collection of the work that I've done since beginning my notable dev work in 1998/1999. Many items were authored for the Adobe Flash runtime, more recent items include my foray into mobile, and lastly, a few others delve into other areas which have simply piqued my curiosity. Visit the portfolio section to see a more concise subset of the collection.

This site is a perpetual work-in-progress. Most work items have links to viewable creative, some are still-yet-to-be populated, and even more (unlisted creative) is available for review upon request.

I'm currently based in Omaha, Nebraska.

Cheers, Brian.